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Education Got Hacked! - Hackathon
30 Nov - 06:00 PM
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Impact / Change / Improve the education of K-12 students by developing educational software that will be distributed on Intel NUCs Intel Corporation will be donating to schools in Puerto Rico.
To develop free software solutions that satisfy schools’, teachers’ and students’ needs. Selected solutions will be distributed through schools in Puerto Rico and submitted for distribution on Linux repositories.
Teams may consist from one to five members.
At least 80% of the code / design must be written and developed during hackathon hours.
For your software to qualify, it must be published under the Apache 2, BSD 3-Clause, GPLv2, GPLv3 or any other authorized license.
The use of “opensource” libraries is allowed as long as it is compatible with the license under which the software is being published.
1st, 2nd & 3rd place will receive cash prizes & Intel NUCs computers (model NUC7i3BNHXF), one per participant.
Best educational videogame, wins higher-end Intel NUCs (model NUC8i7HVK), one per participant.
GoTenna will award the best solution for emergency management that makes use of school facilities and their hardware.
For more information visit the official website:
Hack for Puerto Rico Hackathon
27 Oct - 09:00 AM
Ponce, Puerto Rico
Have you ever envisioned a #technology that could improve the lives of millions of Puerto Ricans? Students, developers, designers, entrepreneurs, and fellow Puerto Ricans, this next October 27-28 @ 9:00 AM, for the first time in the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce, it’s your chance to create the technologies that will solve the challenges of the modern #PuertoRico and transform the “Isla del Encanto” into a worldwide technology and innovation leader. Together with Restart Week, the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce, Genmoji, EOS Liberty Block, and many more sponsors and speakers join us at the Pearl of the South for the first edition of the #HackForPuertoRico 24-hour hackathon with over $10,000 in prizes, free technology workshops, and special guests. Let's improve Puerto Rico’s infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, energy, economy, government, and as a country overall through the power of technology!
The Hack for Puerto Rico Hackathon is a 24-hour event organized by Link Puerto Rico and Restart Week at the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce that will be open to anyone, from local developers to entrepreneurs, to create technological solutions for Puerto Rico’s infrastructure, agriculture, transportation, energy, economy, government, and any other field that you can improve with technology. The participants will be divided into teams of maximum five people. Participants will have the freedom to choose on what technological solution to work on as long as it impacts Puerto Rico positively.
The Hackathon will run under the following schedule:
• October 27th, 2018 @ 9:00 AM: Registration Open• October 27th, 2018 @ 11:00 AM – 11:15 AM: Opening Remarks by Fabián Vélez, Dra. Eva Cabán García, and Adam Krim• October 27th, 2018 @ 11:15 AM – 11:30 AM: Hackathon 101 Workshop by Fabián Vélez• October 27th, 2018 @ 11:30AM – 12:00PM: Team Building Exercise• October 27th, 2018 @ 12:00 PM - Lunch• October 27th, 2018 @ 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Business Model Canvas Workshop by Jahannie Torres• October 27th, 2018 @ 1:00 PM: Start of Hackathon• October 27th, 2018 @ 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM: Web Development 101 Workshop by Fabián Vélez• October 27th, 2018 @ 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM: Dinner• October 27th, 2018 @ 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM: Blockchain 101 Workshop by Fabián Vélez• October 28th, 2018 @ 12:00 AM - 1:00 AM: Midnight Surprise• October 28th, 2018 @ 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM: Breakfast• October 28th, 2018 @ 1:00 PM: End of Hackathon• October 28th, 2018 @ 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Lunch and End of Hackathon• October 28th, 2018 @ 2:00 PM - 3:00PM: Participants Project Presentations• October 28th, 2018 @ 3:00 PM - 3:20 PM: Design Thinking Talk by Dr. José Lugo• October 28th, 2018 @ 3:20 PM - 3:40 PM: Transformation Efforts Talk Jennifer Hopp• October 28th, 2018 @ 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM: Media Dev Lab Talk by Alex Herrero• October 28th, 2018 @ 4:00 PM - 4:20 PM: PROne Talk by José Ortíz• October 28th, 2018 @ 4:20 PM - 4:45 PM: Prizes Ceremony• October 28th, 2018 @ 4:45 PM - 5:00 PM Next Event, Special Announcements, and Closing
Prize details and challenges will be announced at the hackathon. if you have any questions or feedback please contact us at
Disrupt Week - Puerto Rico 2018 - Conference & Hackathon
22 Oct - 10:00 AM
San Juan, Puerto Rico
Disrupt Puerto Rico is an exciting new tech conference, being held in San Juan, PR. It consists of one day of workshops, one day of speaker sessions, and a 24 hours hackathon / startup pitch competition. It is designed to bring together software professionals and entrepreneurs across languages, platforms, and industries. Participants will have opportunities to network, engage, and learn about trending and up-and-coming topics that are shaping the future of technology and business, today.
For more details about Disrupt Week goto:
Disrupt Puerto Rico Hackathon
20 Oct - 08:00 AM
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico
HACKEA POR UNA CAUSA is focused on solving technological challenges presented by Puerto Rican non-profit organizations (NPOs).
When? Friday, October 19 / Saturday, October 20 / Sunday, October 21
Where? The Community of Collaboration and Social Innovation (CCIS), headquarters of the Banco Popular Foundation in Hato Rey.
What is it? A hackathon or marathon of programming is a platform of innovation and event where technological problems are solved for a short time through the active collaboration of multidisciplinary teams. The eventis a great collaboration experiment where experts in technology and business will help the third sector to amplify its social impact and develop new business vehicles for its causes.
About the Hackathon
The second edition of Hack for a Cause begins Friday, October 19, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm with an introduction to the available databases, volunteer mentors and selected social challenges. The main activity, the hackathon, will take place on the fourth and fifth floors of the Banco Popular Foundation from Saturday, October 20, at 9:00 a.m. until Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon. The winning projects will compete for more than $ 15,000 in metal prizes, infrastructure and support to continue developing their projects.
HACKER : If you are interested in participating as a hacker or social entrepreneur, you must register at .
SPONSORS : If you want your company to sponsor the event or donate prizes or experiences for the winners, you can call 787-501-2048 or send an email to
About Disrupt Week
Disrupt Puerto Rico is an exciting new week long hackathon and technology festival, being held in the metropolitian area of Puerto Rico. It consists of 7 days of meetups, workshops and speaker sessions at co-working spaces throught the island. We start off the week of events with a 24 hour hackathon / startup pitch competition. The top 3 teams from the hackathon will get the opportunity to pitch their idea in front of the world most elite tech executes, angel investors, software professionals and entrepreneurs at our keynote confrence a week later.
For more information goto:
06 Oct - 08:00 AM
San Juan, Puerto Rico
October 6, 8:00AM - October 7, 4:00PM
@ Colaboratorio by Foundation for Puerto Rico, Ciudadela
1511 Antonsanti st. , Santurce Puerto Rico 00912
A 24 hour hackathon competition that will unite tourism industry experts, developers, entrepreneurs, government officials and students to develop innovative solutions and Apps that improve the visitor experience and boost the local economy.
HELLO Hackers!
Thank you for registering for Destino Hack – the first destination innovation hackathon in the Caribbean. This email provides important information for competitors and mentors participating in the hackathon.
PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THE HACKATHON REGISTRATION STARTS SATURDAY OCTOBER 6 8:00AM and we will be serving breakfast, coffee and providing a general orientation and team building exercise. In order to participate in the event, you will need at least one other member in your team (minimum two participants per team). NO PREVIOUS HACKING EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY TO PARTICIPATE, but we highly encourage recruiting at least one member with basic programming skills. Other team members could be UX/UI designers, data scientists, entrepreneurs or tourism industry professionals. Teams should not exceed a total of four (4) participants and we encourage diversity of participants in teams.
Although we will present challenge ideas and provide APIs and technology tools, please feel free to participate in an open category and develop and present solutions that improve the visitor experience. Official APIs and tools from Tripadvisor, ViewPR, Microsoft and other partners will be provided. Also, more than 70 mentors have pledged support and will provide active guidance and support. Engineering teams and mentors from Tripadvisor, HYP3R, Evertec, Twitter, BrainHI and local IT companies will give unique access and support.
Challenge options and prizes will be revealed in the pre-event orientation Saturday October 6th 9am-10am. We will also discuss general rules and regulations, and explain the evaluation standards so you can focus on learning new skills and competing to win. Please understand that NO BULLYING or HARRASMENT WILL BE PERMITED DURING THE 24 HOUR HACKATHON, SUBJECT TO DISQUALIFICATION; official code of conduct will be explained on registration.
YOU CAN STAY OVERNIGHT! If you are younger than 18 years old, your parents must sign a permission letter.
8:00am Registration & Continental Breakfast Table Setup8:30am Hacker Registration & Continental Breakfast Begin9:15am Welcome Remarks & Introduction9:30am Official Challenges Presentation9:45am Mentor Introduction & API Orientation10:00am Team Building Exercise10:30am Official Hacking Begins11:00am Mentor Session I11:30am Technical API, Data Set and Framework Trainings12:30pm Lunch Served1:30pm Hacking, Mentorship and Technical Training Continues3:00pm Coffee & Snacks5:00pm -5:30pm Stretch & Yoga basics6:00pm Dinner Served6:30pm Guest Barista & Biscotti7:00pm-9:00pm Mentor Session II9:00-10:00pm Kareokee or Video Game Alternative11:00pm-12:00am Pizza Served2:00am Ice Cream & Cookies3:00am-6:00am Continue Hacking or Take a Nap6:30-7am Sun Salutations and Morning Stretch7-8am Warm Breakfast9:00am-12 noon Mentor Session III 12:30pm Lunch Boxes Served1:30pm-2:00pm Hackers Should Finalize PPT & Publish Code in Github2:30pm-3:15pm Hacker Presentations to Judges Begin (3 minute each)3:15pm Judges convene to discuss results and select winners3:30pm Award Ceremony 4:00-5:00pm Beer, Wine & Tapas Celebration Reception
Food & Beverage: Will be provided by our generous sponsors – including continental breakfast, lunch, dinner, second dinner, and copious amounts of snacks and coffee during the day.
Entertainment & Leisure: Yoga class, kareokee and videogames will be available for stress release and to promote creative thinking!
Parking: Ciudadela has secure overnight parking and is providing a special hackathon flat rate.
What should you bring?
Computer (don’t forget the charger!)
Sweater – it gets cold in the Colaboratorio
Refillable Water Bottle
Small Computer Monitor
Additional multi-plug or extensions
Sleeping bag or pillows
HACKERS: PLEASE RECONFIRM YOUR PARTICIPATION BY SENDING AN EMAIL TO FABIAN@LINKPR.ORG and specify if you already have a complete team, are alone or need additional members.
MENTORS: PLEASE SEND AN EMAIL TO FABIAN@LINKPR.ORG and specify your time availability from Saturday 9am to Sunday 4pm so we can schedule accordingly. Also, please select a SUPERPOWER: 1. Technology; 2. Entrepreneurship; 3. Tourism and in one sentence describe your area of expertise.
Foundation for Puerto Rico1500 Calle AntonsantiSuite K-ColaboratorioSan Juan, PR 00912-3150
Office: 787-773-1100
03 Aug - 12:00 PM
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Hackers in Puerto Rico! If you're concerned about the world's preparedness for natural disasters, then you should sign up to participate in the IBM Call for Code for natural disaster preparedness. In collaboration with The American Red Cross and IBM’s Corporate Service Corps, Puerto Rico's Engine-4 Coworking Space is hosting a 2-day hackathon to tackle challenges associated with natural disasters. Bring your own experiences of Hurricane Maria! Collaborate and compete to win cash prizes, as well as an invitation to the Call for Code Global Prize Event, plus introductions to venture capitalists and long-term project support from The Linux Foundation.
Hacking Democracy Hackathon
27 Jul - 10:15 AM
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
The Hacking Democracy Hackathon is a 24-hour event organized by Link Puerto Rico and Startup Societies in Engine4 that will engage anyone, from local developers to entrepreneurs, to create applications for Open Data, E-Government Applications, and Applications for Infrastructure.
Meshing with Data Hackathon
29 Jun - 05:00 PM
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Rewind Maria, back to Friday September 22nd. The community of Martin Peña wakes up to a devastated and flooded community. There is no power, no water & the telecom infrastructure is decimated. The few community leaders with power on their phones, thanks to solar battery chargers, program their nearby beacon technology to broadcast a message: “Help! Playita is drowning!”. Anyone nearby, a few hundred meters from their beacons, are alerted to the situation. Those in the neighborhood are now aware of their critical conditions. The signal is then amplified by “Marimesh”, a local Mesh text network that reaches the nearby hospital emergency center & firefighters.
This is the dream response that never happened. But, we can make it happen. As a community of developers we have the opportunity to make our communications more resilient and interoperable with, or at least complementary to existing emergency management systems. This hackathon, focuses on finding creative solutions the potential vulnerability of our telecommunication infrastructure after a disaster. Technologies that will be explored and used during this hackathon include, satellite backhauls, mesh wireless (WiFi, LoRa, etc.), machine learning/AI, GIS/Geolocation, Ushahidi, Blockchain and other data management systems.
As the main goals for this hackathon we want to create, stimulate, inspire and achieve better:
Community Empowerment
Resilient Communications
Emergency/Crisis Response
Data Management/Visualization (ML & AI)
To develop new and innovative ways of communication that may be deployed and used before, during and after any event that disables legacy telecommunication networks.
Integrate open source/open hardware solutions into the existing mesh network technologies.
Bridge & route multiple mesh and/or ad-hoc networks.
Develop strong relationships between local emergency management agencies, volunteer search & rescue teams, incident response technology groups and our local developer community.
To increase to use of data collection, analysis and visualization tools for emergency response/management and population health under crisis scenarios.
Keynote Speakers & Tech Talks
Data Visualization
Data Science/Machine Learning
IBM Wolf Pack
A maximum of 4 members per team is permitted
At least 80% of code/design must be written and developed during the “Hackathon”.
Any previous work must be submitted to the organizing committee for consideration, prior to approval. This includes, but it is not limited to, personal snippets, libraries, etc.
Open source libraries, SDK’s, or other freeware systems/services such as Google Maps, Facebook Connect/Graph, Ushahidi, Twitter Feeds etc, are allowed.
All IP rights belong to the authors and developers of the project.
The focus of the “Hackathon” is mesh networks (Wi-Fi, LTE, LoRa), satellite communications or any other alternative communication solutions to legacy core network backhauls and edge/last-mile. In addition, Machine Learning, AI, and Data science in general will incourage as part of the solutions.
There will be zero tolerance to dishonesty.
Cash Prizes ($,$$$)
ITDRC: Wireless communications in disaster struck areas
26 Jun - 06:30 PM
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
Remember during Hurricane Maria when you could see “LTE Bars” in your phone, or other weird symbols that may indicate signal availability, but still had no internet connection? Want to learn why? Want to be prepared and learn how to stay connected during an potential future emergency like “Maria”? Part of the “Meshing with Data 2018 Hackathon” Workshop series, this event will be a discussion on VSATS and Mesh Networks. Lectured by D.A. Kouns Chief of Operations for ITDRC in Puerto Rico. Come and learn about alternative methods of staying connected and creating communication networks when disaster strikes! Are you an application developer? Do you design for data management dependent on cloud hosted databases? Come learn about the type of infrastructure that’s required for designing peer to peer applications or “local services”.
11 May - 05:00 PM
Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
Coming soon, open data enthusiasts and innovators from different backgrounds will come together to work on what can drive social impact and community empowerment. By doing this, we hope to aid with real solutions to help the people of Puerto Rico.
The event will be held at the Mezzanine of UPR at Mayaguez.